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🌟 The Venus Path for the Aries Cycle 🌟

A sacred guide to aligning with Venus' celestial dance as Morning Star ✨

Venus is so much more than just a planet! Her beautiful dance from Morning to Evening Star has been tracked by ancient civilizations for millennia! From the Sumerians who called her Inanna, to the Babylonians who saw her as Ishtar. Venus her journey has been tracked as a symbol of death, rebirth, and divine feminine power.

This Aries cycle, I invite you to step into a deeper connection with Venus through
The Venus Path Transformational Guide. It is filled with rituals, meditations, and sacred practices to honor her journey through the sky linked to important alignments.

Why Track Venus?
Venus moves through the chakra gates, mirroring the ancient myth of Inanna’s descent and return. Each gate represents a moment of release, empowerment, and renewal. By consciously working with these energies, you align yourself with the cyclical wisdom of the cosmos, allowing for profound inner transformation.

 What’s Inside the Venus Path?

  • Key dates for Venus her movement through her Aries cycle
  • Guided rituals and meditations for each chakra gate
  • A structured yet intuitive way to work with Venus' energy for personal and spiritual growth

I created this transformational guide initially for myself, to track and embody her sacred journey in the new cycle. But it feels algined to share it with who feels called to journey with her, may we walk this path together!


The Venus Path - Part 1

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